в дневнике brick by boring brick 12 июля 2020 в 18:16:57

нашла себе новое хобби - читать дневники иностранцев

<< i know now, that you didnt want to hear from me

but when i called to wish you a happy birthday,

you picked up anyway

and you listened to what i had to say

no matter how insignificant

i held the phone pressed against my ear

and i felt your smile on the other end

at least i hoped it was there

why'd you stay on the line?

you didnt care to meet my cat

or hear my laugh

all while you sat there


out of place,


just as i had left you

the way i shouldnt have

the way no one deserves to be left

especially you, beloved

and you still opened you arms for me


we never did do things right between us

but its only ever felt right with you

forgive me.

perhaps we will unite when we are both ready

i hope you think of me too

ill always yearn for you

angel baby >>

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